Taste of the South

31 Jul 2023 in

Arkansas PBS is excited to announce an upcoming virtual event featuring panelists from two new PBS series.

Join us for a delicious discussion with guests from “Southern Storytellers” and “The Great American Recipe” which will celebrate the history of southern cuisine and its influence on today’s southern culture and identity. Hosted by PBS and co-hosted by Arkansas PBS and Virginia Public Media, this event will give attendees a true taste of the south.


Arkansas PBS launches Arkansas Live

01 Mar 2023 in

Arkansas PBS is proud to launch a new initiative called "Arkansas Live" to bring informative and engaging events directly to citizens through livestreaming at myarpbs.org/arkansaslive.

Get front row access to some of the most educational and entertaining events across the state, including livestreams from Crystal Bridges, Arkansas Department of Heritage, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute and more.

Upcoming Arkansas Live events include:

Philander Forward Film Series

10 Jan 2023 in

Arkansas PBS and Philander Smith College have partnered for Philander Forward Film Series, a new screening series designed to unite students and communities through films illuminating the Black experience and telling stories that matter. Each event will feature a historical or contemporary film and leave room for dialogue, reflection and the opportunity to explore issues relevant to the world today.

The Philander Forward Film Series is free, open to the public and welcomes students, faculty and all communities to connect to the campus community through film.


Giving Tuesday - Viewer Feedback

14 Nov 2022 in

As 2022 winds to a close, Arkansas PBS extends heartfelt gratitude to all of those who made our work possible this year through your financial support. We don’t take your contributions lightly – they mean so much to us and to your viewing neighbors across the state, especially those who can’t afford to make a donation to our network. Your generosity makes a world of difference, especially in supporting our ability to bring you more Arkansas stories that you won’t see anywhere else.