"Golden Eagle: Witnesses to a Changing West"

13 Oct 2022 in

“Golden Eagle: Witnesses to a Changing West” is a breathtaking film that transports you to a dramatic, but imperiled western landscape with me, Chuck Preston, and my research team as we rappel into cliffside golden eagle nests to examine and place leg bands on these magnificent birds. Stunning images of the eagles and landscapes are accompanied by Native American and other voices to paint an intimate portrait of this American icon, its habitat and the threats both face in a rapidly changing American West.

Arkansas and the Holocaust

15 Sep 2022 in

“The U.S. and the Holocaust,” a film by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein not only explores how the events of the Holocaust were handled at the national level but brings conversations to the local level.

“[The] film, at its very core, will help reconnect Arkansans with a piece of history that happened; that should have never happened and can never happen again,” Holocaust education activist Steve Ronnel said. “The only way it can never happen again is if we learn from it and we talk about it.”

And For My Second Act... - "Good Roots"

31 Jul 2022 in

Louis Armstrong said, “If you ever get a second chance in life, you’ve got to go all the way.” The trick about second chances, though, is to recognize them.

For Margie Raimondo, there was no question when her second chance came: it was a clear morning with a gorgeous blue sky on Sept. 11, 2001, and in her hand was a plane ticket on United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California — the flight that ultimately crashed in a Pennsylvania field after being hijacked.